Our Services

Imcon Consulting Services

Imcon Consulting Services

Our holistic and tailored approach can help with:

Core Services

executive coaching services

Executive Coaching

Enhance your leadership development skills with our accredited programmes

Leadership Development

Strategic Advisory

Strategic Advisory

Integrated Services

innovation consulting


Capacity Building

What Clients Say About Imcon Consulting Services

I have benefited tremendously from having Professor Keith Straughan as my personal coach. Having a portfolio career across economic consulting, government and academia I occasionally...
Competition Commissioner, Government, Southeast Asia
Keith has gone above anything I was expecting. I look forward to our sessions. He has helped me to face my leadership challenges more effectively....
Treasury Manager, Financial Services, Ireland
It was the first time to have an official tutor and I was very lucky to have picked Keith. He has been instrumental for my...
Vice President EMEA, MedTech, Spain
My coaching sessions with Keith have been undoubtedly one of the best investments I have made in my business. As a new small business owner,...
Managing Director, Marketing, UK
I had limited success with coaching prior to working with Prof. Straughan. My prior coaching engagements had been too rigid in format or too narrow...
Head of Product, FinTech, UK
Keith has been providing me with leadership coaching for approximately one year now. Prior to starting coaching, I was quite apprehensive and unsure of what...
Director, Climate, Switzerland

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Best Fit For Your Business Needs?

We are always happy to explore how bespoke combinations of our services can
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Elegy for Ellie

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Colourless green ideas sleep furiously

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